Study Questions for Part One | Two | Three

Part One

  1. When Geoffrey's brother John got his jacket stolen">

    Study Questions for Part One | Two | Three

    Part One

    1. When Geoffrey's brother John got his jacket stolen, what lesson does their mother teach that Geoffrey relearns from his daughter's experience?
    2. When Geoffrey was robbed at the A&P, what does he do?
    3. What was the main reason for neighborhood fighting?
    4. What is a "program buster"?
    5. Middle School was similar to Geoffrey's block in several ways (name four).
    6. How was Mike important to Geoffrey?
    7. On Geoffrey's block, what purpose were "lessons"?
    8. According to Geoffrey's education, when someone points a gun in your direction but doesn't want to shot you in particular, you should....
    9. After the confrontation with the encircled man who nearly shot Geoffrey and some of his friends, everyone acted as if it never occurred.  Why?
    10. According to Geoffrey's childhood education, what degree of violence is necessary?
    Test = 25 pts from 10 multiple choice questions + 15 point essay in which you make a connection between the book, a given article, and your life.  Use a clear example from all three.

    Part Two

    1. Part of the problem with violence on the streets is that policy makers do not address the huge availability of guns. As a result, children understand that their neighborhoods are war zones, and part of their desire for guns is what?
    2. According to Mr. Canada, how are kids on the street with knives similar to Vietnam soldiers?
    3. New York Governor Rockefeller’s Drug Laws set up mandatory sentences of 15 years to life for any offence. What was the unexpected negative?
    4. Why did young kids recruit others to help them start themselves in the violent drug business.
    5. According to Mr. Canada, what did these shows have in common: The Dirty Dozen and Death Wish?
    6. In the drug business, what does it mean if a person is made an example of?
    7. Robert, a black belt, beat up a drug dealer who later tried to shoot him. Why would Robert not call the police?
    8. Going to Luis’ wake, Geoffrey almost faces death twice, once while asking directions from a paranoid stranger at the spot of Luis’ murder, and again when car slowly drives towards them. What lesson does Geoffrey learn?
    9. How did owning a gun effect Geoffrey when in his old neighborhood?
    10. What does the following phrase mean: I’d rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6?
    11. Focus of Essay Question

      Compare the level of violence in Part I and II. Explain how people disassociate themselves from the moral of human compassion to act violently. Use a specific example from your experiences and Parts I and II as supporting evidence.

    Part Three