Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated:

Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008

Check the Notes Link for an additional requirement.


  1. Introduction to the class: Expectations
  2. Homework:

Web Permission form – due Tuesday, September 1. 20 point assignment for Mr. McCarthy’s and Mr. Banks’ class. Point deduction for each day late.


  1. Reflection Write:
  2. A Puzzling Name Game
  3. Process Writing:
  • How would you explain the rules of this activity? (100 words)
  • Describe your role in solving this puzzle. (100 words)


  1. Reflection Write:
  2. The Human Knot
  3. Process Writing:
  • How would you explain the rules of this activity? (100 words)
  • Describe your role in solving this puzzle. (100 words)


  1. Reflection Write:
  2. Murder One
  3. Process Writing:
  • How would you explain the rules of this activity? (100 words)
  • Describe your role in solving this puzzle. (100 words)

Extra-Credit – 5pts.: In your opinion, which Team Building activity was most effective in building cooperation and communication? (75 words) Then explain how one of the other activities did not do as well. (75 words on the same page)

Due Tuesday, September 8