
1 pt = Quote Citation Accurate format is used based on MLA and Classroom Connect.
1 pt = Bibliography
1 pt = Introduction Style Uses an engaging opening and ends with a thesis statement.
1 pt = Conclusion Style Sums main ideas and mirrors introduction style.





Thesis is focus with much deviation (more than 50%). Examples weakly support ideas. May not be explained. All required examples may not be present.


Thesis is the focus throughout with some deviation (more than 25%). Examples support ideas">


1 pt = Quote Citation Accurate format is used based on MLA and Classroom Connect.
1 pt = Bibliography
1 pt = Introduction Style Uses an engaging opening and ends with a thesis statement.
1 pt = Conclusion Style Sums main ideas and mirrors introduction style.





Thesis is focus with much deviation (more than 50%). Examples weakly support ideas. May not be explained. All required examples may not be present.


Thesis is the focus throughout with some deviation (more than 25%). Examples support ideas, but some may not be explained. All required examples are present.


Thesis is the focus throughout with little deviation (less than 25%). Examples support ideas and are explained. All required examples are present.


Thesis is the focus throughout without deviation. Examples support ideas and are explained. All required examples are present.
  = Sub Total / 3  = (Score) Grade =

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