Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated:

Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008

Check the Notes Link for an additional requirement.


  1. Introduction to the class: Expectations
  2. Homework:

Web Permission form – due Tuesday, September 1. 20pts towards Mr. McCarthy’s and Mr. Banks’ class. Point deduction for each day late.


  1. Reflection Write:
  2. A Puzzling Name Game
  3. Process Writing:
  • How would you explain the rules of this activity? (50 words)
  • Describe your role in solving this puzzle. (50 words)


  1. Reflection Write:
  2. The Human Knot
  3. Process Writing:
  • How would you explain the rules of this activity? (50 words)
  • Describe your role in solving this puzzle. (50 words)


  1. Reflection Write:
  2. Murder One
  3. Process Writing:
  • How would you explain the rules of this activity? (50 words)
  • Describe your role in solving this puzzle. (50 words)

Extra-Credit – 5pts.: In your opinion, which Team Building activity was most effective in building cooperation and communication? (100 words)

Due Tuesday, September 8