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Teacher:                                                                                                           Name:

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Assignment: Sensory Details                                                                        Date:              

Definition:  Sensory Details are used to provide a complete picture of a topic statement, usually as illustrations and/or experiences.  The five senses are:  taste, touch, sound, sight, and smell (2 T’s and 3 S’s).  Most details use only sight.  The more senses you can use the more interesting your writing become to readers. 

1.     Sensory Details:

      a)     uses taste, touch, sound, sight, and smell to describe ideas.
b)     make writing more interesting.
c)     provides a complete picture of a topic statement.                    ______________
d)     all of the above.

2.     The 5 senses are (1) ____________, (2) ____________, (3) ____________,

 (4) ____________, (5) ____________.

3.     Sensory details improves writing so that it is more _________________ to readers.

4.     Read each word and describe it using all five senses in sentence form.  Label each sentence.

Example:  onion

1.       Sight:  Onions are brown and round.

2.       Sound:  Onions crinkle and crackle when you peel the skin like burning logs.

3.       Smell:  Onions have a sharp, stingy smell.

4.       Taste:  Onions taste very tart.

5.       Touch:  Onions’ outer skin feels like paper.

 A     Apple

1.  Sight:

2.  Sound:

3.     Smell:

4.     Taste:

5.     Touch:

      B.  Door

1.  Sight:

2.     Sound:

3.     Smell:

4.     Taste:

5.     Touch:

5.  For each topic statement, write three details using three different senses.

Example:  The drinking age should be reduced to 18.

18 year old men and women are expected to listen to the whistle of bullets whine at them, but they are not allowed the clink of wine glasses.  They are expected to endure the pungent smell of bloody wounds, but not the sharp, bubbly smell of red wine.  In trenches, they taste dirt, mixed with death, but not the thick sour taste of burgundy.

a.      The best meal at __________________ is _____________.



 b.     The best vacation place in the world is _______________.

c.      There is no better administrator/teacher/employee then ___________________.




6.  Copy one of the topic statements from #5 (label as TS).  Write one point explaining the topic statement.  Make sure the point relates to the topic (label as P for example/detail at beginning of the sentence).  Write 3 related sensory details, using three different senses (label the sense  at the beginning of each sentence).  Write a conclusion statement, which restates the topic statement in different words (label as C for conclusion at beginning of the sentence).