February 17, 1999

Dear Parents and Students:

A new semester brings a fresh start. Last semester was very productive and this one promises to be the same. Parents are invited to see some of the work done in the Discussion links of the classroom page. They include creative writing pieces, songs, and research. The History-English PowerPoint projects will be linked by early March.

On February 11, 1999, students submitted some of their writing to 21st Century Magazine (www.teenpaper.org/) for publication. We eagerly await to see some of the pieces in print. If your child is published, a copy of the magazine will be mailed home, in addition to gifts by the magazine. Publication can occur between now and next year. Students will be encouraged to send submissions to 21st Century as often as they want.

The students worked hard on their pieces and there is a definite possibility of publishing all of them through a different company, Chapbooks (www.chapbooks.com). Cost for ordering a copy will be five or seven dollars. I expect to keep that cost to five dollars for those who are interested. Additional information will be forwarded soon. This company publishes quality paperback anthologies for students. Intensive English and Creative Writing courses in Clarkston High School have worked with the company and reaped rewards of higher self-esteem through seeing their efforts in print.

The grades for second semester are password protected. In order to view them a login name and password is required.  Contact me at school for the access codes or receive them from your child.

Sadly, I must report that the trip to New York is not to be. Difficulties with getting approval made Mr. Banks and I decide to cancel. We wanted to give families lead-time to prepare for costs but could not announce anything until official approval was received. In place of that trip, I would like to take the students to a theatrical event of Tour De Force (www.chambertheatre.com). It is a presentation of multiple stories on stage. The performance will be:

Date: Friday, March 26 from 1 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Leave CHS at 11:30 a.m.
Return to CHS by 4 p.m.
Location: Scottish Rite Auditorium/Masonic Temple
Cost: Ticket $11.25
Bus Fee $5.00
Total $16.25

Students will attend their first 3 classes and eat lunch before going on the trip. Enclosed are permission forms to be signed. Please return them with payment by February 26. I must send the theater company the fee on that date. Cash is preferred. Please write checks to: Clarkston High School.

Looking forward to a productive 2nd Semester. Please contact me with any questions or concerns:

Work: 248-623-3600
Email: mccartjp@clarkston.k12.mi.us

Thank you for your time.


John McCarthy
LA 10 English

Please cut bottom section and send to Mr. McCarthy completed. This is a credit assignment for your child. Thank you.


I have read the newsletter from my child.

Please check fieldtrip below if applicable:

__ We are interested in the fieldtrip Tour De Force.

Signed: _________________________________________