My Inspiration Lite

Understand that...
  • text of different forms helps us clarify our values.
  • we receive joy in work that encourages the values we cherish.

Driving Questions

  • What values inspires what I enjoy doing personally and professionally?

Entry Document

You live a busy life. Personally and professionally there is some much you "want" to do, and many things you "have" to do. Ask yourself: Is what you do joyful? Fulfilling? Bring you satisfaction?

If your answer is Yes, then why?
If your answer is No, or not all of the time, then why not?

Going through this experience, identify and articulate what values do your hold. Use those to identify the qualities in your personal and professional opportunities that can and/or do bring more joy in your life.

Part I: Self-Reflection

-Deciding to do better in school.
-Deciding to go on a date with someone.
-Deciding to get a job.

Review the crossroads. What personality traits relate?

    1. List the two best traits for each crossroad. There may be repetition, but make sure there are at least 3 different traits listed. Before doing this, brainstorm a list of 10 or 20 personality traits or use this List. Try to express traits with positive connotations.

      Personality Traits

      □ Dependable
      □ Well-organized
      □ Responsible
      □ Good self- control
      □ High achiever
      □ Cautious
      □ Understanding
      □ Objective
      □ Driven
      □ Conscientious
      □ Independent
      □ Self-confident
      □ Reliable
      □ High achiever
      □ Serious
      □ Supporter of law and order

      □ Humorous
      □ A perfectionist
      □ Patient
      □ Flexible
      □ Introvert
      □ Dependent
      □ Diligent
      □ Responsible
      □ Empathetic
      □ Reflective
      □ Uncomplicated
      □ Outgoing
      □ Creative
      □ A negotiator
      □ Shy
      □ Calm

      □ Even-tempered
      □ Competitive
      □ Easygoing
      □ Friendly
      □ A peace-maker
      □ A people-pleaser
      □ A great listener
      □ Team player
      □ Takes charge
      □ Helper
      □ Competent
      □ Studious
      □ Extrovert
      □ Amiable
      □ Picky


    2. Reflection: explain how these personality traits found are an important part of you. Cite personal examples/experiences as support. Compose as a 100-200 word narrative or 1-2 minute podcast recording or conversation.

Part II - Creative Self-Exploration

  1. Identify a song that could be used as your personal anthem (project theme). It may represent your 3 selected personality traits. Use a copy of one of the following song lyrics links page: 
  2. --
  3. Once identified, copy a quote that best expresses your theme.
  4. Compose as a 100 word narrative or 1-2 minute podcast recording or conversation. Explain how this song represents your personal anthem.
  • Use a quote from the song that best represents your ideas.
  • Include a personal experience, using concrete details.

Part III - Electronic Personal Inspiration

Slides include:

  1. Introduction Slide: Statement of the internal motivation that brings you happiness.
  2. Excerpt from one of the narratives written during any of the previous parts that relates to your internal motivation.
  3. A quote from the song that represents your personal anthem (represents you).  Include title and author. 
  4. Two to three pictures or images that represents your internal motivation (Suggest: one might be a personal photograph). The pictures may be of people, objects, etc. Anything inspirational to you. Google Images.
  5. A crossroad with 2-3 events/decisions that lead to your internal motivation (date each) AND 1-2 expectations/plans you have as a result (do not date).
  6. Must use a minimum of 3 slides (max of 6).
  7. Printed copy of file in format of 4 or 6 slides per page.
  8. Save file as your first name.

My Inspiration