Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated:

Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008
Previous Weeks' Lessons: 1 | 2

Check the Notes Link for an additional requirement.


  1. Daily Prompt
  2. Brainstorm a list of qualities for a role-model on the board (30 qualities)
  3. Students copy the list off the board.
  4. Choose 3-5 qualities that you personally identify with the most.
  5. Write a 200 word explanation encompassing your selected qualities.


  1. Daily Prompt
  2. Read three profile articles in small groups.
  3. Answer the following questions:
    • What is the big idea?
      Does the big idea: a) focus throughout b) vague in parts c) rambled.
    • Is the opening engaging?
      Which is used: a) intriguing question b) startling statement c) anecdote d) example
      e) background information f) thesis statement
    • What kinds of details are used?
      a) listing b) experiential c) example d) shared ideas e) reporting f) quotes

Class discussion on group findings.


  1. Daily Prompt
  2. Interview skills
    --Questioning strategies: Open vs. Closed ended
    --Five Ws: Who, What, Where, When, Why
    1. Who are some people you admire?
    2. What persons from that group stand out the most for you?
    3. Where do they fit in your life?
    4. When do you think about one of these people the most?
    5. Why is that person more important than the others?


  1. Daily Prompt
  2. Partner interview using the five questions from Wednesday.
  3. Present to the class, including an engaging opening, an experience, and a quote.


  1. Daily Prompt
  2. Email setup and class website review
  3. Read books
  4. Homework
    --Develop 10 questions for your rolemodel using each of the five W's twice.
    --Arrange an interview date with your rolemodel for no later than Tuesday, September 22