Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated:

Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008
Quarter 3
Previous Weeks' Lessons: 1 | 2 | 3 |

Check the Notes Link for additional requirement.


President's Day

Introduction to Literature Circles

A) Discussion Director Prepares and asks three (open-ended) questions related to themes and broad issues and feelings related to reading.  Has own answers written (25+ words).
B) Connection Philosopher List three sections where you find similarity of situation or idea to your life, those around you, or in the world. List quote and page number for each.   Explain each connection (25+ words).
C) Illustrator Create artwork (draw, paint, sculpt, computer art, collage, etc.) that relates to a theme, idea, or feelings inferred the reading.  Explain the piece and include a quote (50+ words).

Discussion Director

  • As a class, read the poem, "Music I heard" (629) in Blue Literature Text
  • Modeling Discussion Director, ask these questions to the class:
    What is the theme?  **Missing a lost love.
    How do we know that the speaker misses this person?  **Site lines and explain.
    How do we know that the speaker loves this person?  **Site lines and explain.
    Pick out an image and explain the emotion it represents?
    What could the title symbolize?
  • Allow students to run the discussion.  If in the process they answer questions before asked, then do not ask them.
  • After discussion, talk about the process of interacting.   Note that some students gave similar answers, but in the process offered new information.
  • Homework:  Write an open-ended question about the quarter novel you are reading.  Answer the question in 25+ words.

Introduction to Literature Circles
First Hour:  Connection Philosopher

  • Review Connection Philosopher
  • Read the poem, "Making A Fist" (630) in the Blue Literature Text
  • 20 min. - As a whole class determine the theme of the poem. 
    What is it about?  **Struggling and not giving up.
    How is the final stanza different from the rest of the poem?  **The speaker is no longer 7 years old, but an adult.
    What does "Fist" symbolize for the speaker?  **Never giving up finding answers to life's questions.
    What does "Fist" symbolize universally?  **We all struggle to accomplish our dreams.  If we give up, life loses meaning.
  • 5 min. - Silently reflect on your life.  Think about experiences where you struggled with something.  There is no talking.
  • 10 min. - In groups of 3 and 4, read a quote that relates to you and share your experience with the others.  Ask each other questions about the experience.
  • Free time to talk (No computer use).  They need down time before the next section beginning the 2nd hour.

Second Hour:  Illustrator

  • Review Illustrator
  • Read the poem, "Generations" (632)
  • 15 min. - As a whole class determine the theme of the poem
    What are the two major images and what do they represent?  **Old Oak Tree - Older person/ Beech tree - young person.
    How are they contrasted?  **The young person is energetic and exploring life.   The older person has been there before and is watching over the youth.
    What roles or responsibilities do each have in life?
    Connect the meaning of the title.
  • Create artwork that represents the theme of the poem.  Does not have to be trees.   Can be any artwork that represents the poem's message.  (Samples on the board, near the teacher's desk)  Draw or make a collage using Word 97 (No internet browsing)
  • On the back of the piece, list a quote from the poem that relates and explain the meaning of your piece (50+ words).
  • Work during the entire class time and turn in at the end of the hour or on Monday.

Friday (all classes)

Watching the movie "Grapes of Wrath"
Meet either in the LGI room or Mr. Banks' room.  All hours will meet there.

  • Extra credit: Read and solve a mystery on www.thecase.com, explaining the guilty’s motivation. Email a copy of your answer to jmc2ocla@moa.net. Due Monday by 5 p.m.