Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated:

Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated: Thursday, December 25, 2008
Quarter 4
Previous Weeks' Lessons:  1 | 2 | 3 |

Check the Notes Link for additional requirement.


  • 1st quarter 50/50/50 Book report due today.
  • 2nd quarter 50/50/50 Book report due Monday, May 17
  • Imagery Mini-Lesson (Reveiw)
    • Five minute reflection write: Describe a happy moment with someone or place.
    • Next, circle two sentences that best describe the experience.  At least one sentence must include imagery.  If not, revise a line to include imagery.
    • Construct a line poem using one or both circled sentences.
    • PowerPoint of the Poem
      • In Outline view (View menu), type title and credit (By "your name") on slide one, and type the poem on slide two.
      • Next, in Slide view (View menu), replace title with a wordart.
      • Insert a clipart on slide two that represents theme or imagery.
      • Design layout: color, animation, and background.
      • Record poem and explanation for why you chose that image (2 recordings on slide 2).   Revise poem and recording until narration flows smoothly.


  • Read Quarter Novel


  • Movie for History


  • Reading the story, A Jury of Her Peers
  • Discuss story - Theme and use of imagery and detai, including:
    50 words each unless noted otherwise
    • What is Mrs. Wright accused of?
    • List and explain 3 clues that implicate Mrs. Wright.
    • What do we know about Mr. & Mrs. Wright?  Personality? How they treat each other?
      List two examples and explain.
    • What might Mrs. Wright's motive be?
    • Why do the men and women "see" or "don't see" evidence?
    • Why do the momen not tell the men their "evidence"?
    • Would you convict Mrs. Wright? (100 words)
  • Homework:  Construct a 3 point outline on the topic:  Should Mrs. Wright be aquitted or convicted in A Jury of Her Peers?
    Reason One:
    Reason Two:
    Reason Three:
    Examples: motive, evidence, character


  • Write rough draft on the topic: Should Mrs. Wright be aquitted or convicted in A Jury of Her Peers?
  • Use constructed outline.
  • Include in this five paragraph persuasive essay a rough draft, revision notes, and final draft.
  • For each of the three reasons (points) include an example from the story.
  • Include at least one personal experience that shows a connection.
  • Revise over the weekend and turn in a clean draft with revision notes on Monday.

Extra credit: Read and solve a mystery on www.thecase.com, explaining the guilty’s motivation. Email a copy of your answer to mccartjp@clarkston.k12.mi.us. Due Monday by 5 p.m.

Previous Quarters: 1st | 2nd | 3rd