Lesson Listings | Overview | Part One - Two - Three - Four | Student samples of Final Projects

Part IV - Electronic Personal Inspiration

Slides include:

  1. Introduction Slide: Statement of the internal motivation that brings you happiness.
  2. The creative piece written for part 2 in this project. Must complete one additional revision: cut, add, rephrase 25 words.
  3. A personal narrative written during any of the previous parts that relates to your internal motivation.
  4. A quote from the poem and song that represents your personal anthem (represents you).  Include title and author for each.  The poem and song may be placed on different slides.
  5. Three pictures or images that represents your internal motivation (one must be a personal photograph). The pictures may be of people, objects, etc. Anything inspirational to you.
  6. A crossroad with 5 events/decisions that lead to your internal motivation (date each) AND 3 expectations/plans you have as a result (do not date).
  7. Meyers-Briggs personality assessment
  8. ***During each slide, audio record your thoughts connecting the content to the internal motivation that brings you happiness.***
  9. Must use a minimum of 10 slides, a custom or color background, and 3 animated transitions.  Primary font must be Arial for easy reproduction.  All transisions must be set for auto play.
  10. Printed copy of file in format of 6 slides per page.
  11. Save file as your first name.

* Students may give permission for others to view their file.

Suggested Rubric to use for Part IV: Ideas section from the 6+1 Traits Rubric by NWREL.

Lesson Listings | Overview | Part One - Two - Three - Four | Student samples of Final Projects