Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated:

Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008
Quarter 2
Previous Weeks' Lessons: 1 |

Check the Notes Link for additional requirement.


  1. Check off novels for the quarter
    Reminder: 1st 50/50/50 due November 16.
  2. Print slides in "Notes" format.
  3. Edit bulleted main ideas to be brief and concise.
  4. Write what you will say (verbatim) for each slide.
  5. With time, type these notes on to the slides in "Notes" view.
    Due Tuesday

Tuesday and Wednesday

  1. Edit team slides.
  2. Test
    –transitions (auto set), navigation buttons on EACH slide for "i" (back to index) and arrows (previous and next)
  3. Place url links in annotated bibliography
  4. Practice presentations

Thursday and Friday


Quarter Assignments: 1st