Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated:

Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008
Previous Weeks' Lessons: 1 | 2

Monday = All hours meet.
Tuesday & Thursday = Hours 1 & 5 | Wednesday & Friday = Hours 2 & 6

Check the Notes Link for an additional requirement.


  1. Sensory Exam
  2. Glory movie guide (see Mr. Banks)

Session One

  1. Reflection Write:
  2. Acrostic Poetry (sensory detail to layered detail)
B Barbcue sauce D Dome of red curls over twinkling blue eyes
U Under dark green lettuce A Always screeches like a hawk when he's filled with joy
R Red juicy tomato slices G Grins with an open mouth, showing tongue
G Grilled onions A "Ah Doo" as he crawls where he should not be
E Extra American Cheese N Nice tinkling laughter like a stacatto drum
R Real smooth like a baby's cheek

3.  Each student composes 2 acrostic poems from the following selections
(Use 3 of the 5 senses plus one simile)
Selection one: Food, Person, or Place
Selection two: Friend, Family, Lovers

Notice how the disconnected phrases form a picture like a puzzle pieces.


Recipe Poetry (develop layered details --step by step)

  1. Samples
  2. Students create their own (rough draft)
  3. Share pieces in groups of three
    --each listener share a compliment regarding piece
  4. Closure: notice depth of pieces compared to the acrostic pieces.

Session Two: Thursday/Friday

  1. Reflection Write:
  2. Class coverage of a Details handout
  3. Revise one piece from yesterday
    a) cut a line, b) rewrite 2 lines, c) include 3 of 5 senses and one simile
  4. Share within three-person teams
  5. Narrative composition
    Within teams, convert each piece into a narrative paragraph
    --Note the depth
    Compare poem to narrative form
    --a) Which sounds better? b) Which is more concrete? c) Which do you like?
  6. Given a narrative, each team will convert into a lined poem.
    Share with the entire class.
  7. Homework:
    Write a recipe or detailed acrostic poem or narrative on either:
    a) a personal belief, b) person, c) place
    7 lines or 70 words
    3 of 5 senses
    2 similes
    Due Monday, September 21--ALSO bring your BOOK
    one revision on the rough draft (add, cut, and rephrase three lines)
    Due Tuesday, September 22