Content | Role sheets for Literary Circles |Reading: Part One - Two | Final Project & Sign-off Form
Scout's Journal Entry | Read Scout's Journal

Part One Assigned Reading
* When class meets for their double hour.

Date Due Chapters (Pages) Keep in mind as you read and write in your journal

Content | Role sheets for Literary Circles |Reading: Part One - Two | Final Project & Sign-off Form
Scout's Journal Entry | Read Scout's Journal

Part One Assigned Reading
* When class meets for their double hour.

Date Due Chapters (Pages) Keep in mind as you read and write in your journal
Tuesday, 3/2/99 1-4 (3-41) Get to know these characters:
Scout, Jem, Dill, Boo Radley (and his house), Atticus, Scout's Mother

Familiarize yourself with these situations:
1st days in Miss Caroline's classroom, Tree knot-hole, The Radley games, Swinging.

Understand this quote by Atticus:
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. (30)"

Theme: Acceptance - Boo Radley

Monday, 3/8/99 5-9 (41-89) Get to know these characters:
Boo Radley, Miss Maudie, Miss Dubose, Aunt Alexandra, Uncle Jack, as well as the characters listed above (as apply)

Familiarize yourself with these situations:
The night adventure to the Radley place, Jem's pants, Boo's gifts, Atticus' court case

Heroism - Atticus and court case
Acceptance - Boo Radley and Tom Robbinson

10-11 (89-112) Get to know these characters:
Miss Dubose and those listed above that apply.

Familiarize yourself with these situations:
Mad dog shooting, Miss Dubose

Understand this quotes:
"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.(90)"

"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. (90)"

Heroism - Miss Duboise and Atticus
Acceptance - Miss Duboise

Essay Options for Part One

For each essay:
-Cite examples for each from the book.
-include on personal example
-***Key: Evaluate how book examples support your justification.
4 paragraph minimum with an engaging opening and closing paragraphs.

1. Physical vs. Moral Heroism - Prove why moral heroism is greater than physical heroism.  Options:

Physical Heroism Moral Heroism
Miss Dubois
Boo Radley

2. Acceptance
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. (30)"  How does Scout apply Atticus' advice?  How might we apply his advice today?
Suggestions:  Scout and Boo Radley or Miss Dubois

3. "Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.(90)"
"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. (90)"

How is Boo Radley like a mockingbird?  Who would be a modern example?