Vocabulary Study
Beneath each word and part of speech, list the following:
- Your best guess of the definition, based on the word and its part of speech.
- Write a sentence using the word in context (The word should be
understood by reading the sentence).
- Find a dictionary definition using one of the online dictionaries. For words that have more
than one definition, copy two that seem most different from each other.
- Write a new sentence using the word in context. (The word should be
understood by reading the sentence). Write a sentence for each definition.
Period 5 Vocab
- umbrage - n
- hygiene - n
- forthright - adj
- heady - adj
- Gothic -adj
- buttresses - n
- sundry- adj
- probate - v
- benevolence - n
- reaped - v
Period 6 Vocab
- snatched - v
- flailing - v
- deem - v
- immaterial - adj
- queasy - adj
- demise - n
- obsess - v
- analogous - adj
- attributes - n
- inconspicuous - adj
Once completed, click your class hour, above your vocab list to submit your work
to the dictionary form. Every three additional words done will receive
extra-credit. Contact me if you have questions.
Go to Part II of the vocab study when part I is
Vocab Results are in.
Dictionary Listings Merriam-Webster Dictionary | Webster's Revised
Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 Edition | Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus | DICT Development Group
Parts of Speech sites
FFCC's On-line
Writing Lab: 8 Parts of Speech | HyperGrammar's Parts
of Speech | Fun Libs | Agggh! Homework!'s Parts of Speech