Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated:

Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008
Quarter 2
Previous Weeks' Lessons: 1 | 2 |

Check the Notes Link for additional requirement.



  • Bring novel selected to read for the quarter and read.

Literarture Circles (Learning a task Wed., Thurs., Fri.)
Class Book is FistKnifeStickGun by Geoffry Canada


  1. 7 minute write- Thematic Question: When, if ever, is violence necessary?
    Next discuss responses (5 minutes)
  2. Read Chapter 1
  3. Develop a question as a Discussion Director.  Discuss in groups of 5
  4. Homework: Read Chapter 2.
    Write 2 questions about important events and/or meanings from Chapter 2 and one from Chapter 1.  Answer each question with at least 20 words.


  1. Discuss homework using chapter 2.  Review role of Discusion Director
  2. Introduce Passage Master using chapter 2
  3. Small group discussion.
  4. Introduce Connector.
  5. Homework: Read chapter 3.  Make a connection between your life and the issues and/or events in the chapter.


  1. Discuss homework using small groups of 5
  2. Review Discussion Director and Passage Master.
  3. Students write responses in the Discussion Web.
  4. Homework:  Read chapters 4-6.
    Identify and list in each chapter an issue or event that is thought provoking.
    Choose one of the three and illustrate it in an image (picture, graph, chart, etc.)

Quarter Assignments: 1st