Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated:

Lessons for Contemporary Publishing - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008
Quarter 2
Previous Weeks' Lessons: 1 | 2 | 3 |

Check the Notes Link for additional requirement.

Literarture Circles for FistKnifeStickGun by Geoffry Canada


  1. Select Literary Circle Groups.
  2. Review homework in groups regarding illustrations.
  3. Each group share with the class their most thought provoking illustration.
  4. Review reading deadlines and decide reading amount for next meeting on Monday, November 30.
  5. Assign roles for each person.
  6. Write discussion responses in Discussion Web.
  7. Homework: Do assigned reading.


  • Participate in the Spirit of Giving Activity
  • Email completed forms as attachments to Mr. McCarthy
  • Write discussion responses in Discussion Web (from yesterday's discussion).
  • Bring novel selected to read for the quarter or Literature Circle book and read.

Send a Thanksgiving electronic card to someone.

Quarter Assignments: 1st