Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated:

Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008
Quarter 3
Previous Weeks' Lessons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

Check the Notes Link for additional requirement.

To Kill A Mockingbird The Learning Tree


2nd Novel report due at the beginning of class.

Literary Circle Discussion on 2nd Reading (30 minutes)
-have prepared: Journal and Role sheets

After discussion, each team redistribute roles for the next to meetings.
On the discussion web, share an idea or thought from group and explain your feelings about it.
Homework:  3rd reading due for Thursday/Friday class


  • Activities and journal work for analyzing themes of the novels: To Kill A Mockingbird | The Learning Tree
  • Write a journal entry as Scout | Newt based on a situation in the reading that relates to one of the themes.
  • During the second hour, read novels.


Literary Circle Discussion on 3rd Reading (30 minutes)
-have prepared: Journal and Role sheets

On the discussion web, share an idea or thought from group and explain your feelings about it.
During the 2nd hour, read for homework.
Homework:  4th reading due for Monday's class

Extra credit: Read and solve a mystery on www.thecase.com, explaining the guilty’s motivation. Email a copy of your answer to mccartjp@clarkston.k12.mi.us. Due Monday by 5 p.m.