Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated:

Lessons for LA 10 - Last updated: Friday, December 26, 2008
Previous Weeks' Lessons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Monday = All hours meet.
Tuesday & Thursday = Hours 1 & 5 | Wednesday & Friday = Hours 2 & 6

Check the Notes Link for additional requirement.


  1. Reflection Write:
  2. Read/Show student appreciation letters.
    -listeners make positive observations regarding the letters: sensory details, depth of experiences, etc.
  3. Read and solve The Case.com.
  4. Homework: Brainstorm a list of 3 images that symbolize a strong belief or goal of yours, such as loyalty, trust, football dreams, etc.   Choose one and explain how and why (100 words) - See more details
    Also, bring the object to class to photograph with a digital camera.

Writer's Workshop
Session One: Tuesday/Wednesday

  1. Reflection Write:
  2. Metaphor (examples)
  3. We will write a personal narrative about what is a visual object that symbolizes a strong belief (see Monday's homework) - Opening line will be:  "My metaphor for life is...."
    See complete instructions
    -Outline big idea (your symbol and why), 2 main ideas (two reasons), general details for each main idea (one sentence summary of what you will talk about - this may change as you write your drafts)
    -Write your rough draft - 300 word minimum.
  4. Mini-Lesson on using a Digital Camera (examples)
  5. Conferencing
  6. Homework - Complete rough draft with an engaging opening for session two.*

Session Two: Thursday/Friday

  1. Reflection Write:
  2. Mini-Lesson: Transitions (example), inserting pics with text wrap using Word.
    See complete instructions.
  3. Students will conference and revise.
    -use 3 of 5 senses with two similes
    -3 experiences/examples
    -cut 50 words (no more than 20 words in one spot will count)
    -add 100 words
    -rephrase three sentences
    -add a conclusion that mirrors the engaging introduction.
  4. Final draft of letter (plus all previous drafts) is due Monday.*

  * = any draft that is emailed to Mr. McCarthy and used as a class example will earn the author 3 extra-credit points.

Grading Ruberic

Process = 20 pts.  Earned if all required steps are accomplished.  See complete instructions.

10 pts. for Maintaining Big Idea
15 pts. paper structure - Engaging introduction, Body paragraphs, conclusion
15 pts. layered details.